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Predicting outages with artificial intelligence

The world is changing rapidly, as is the information and communications infrastructure, which plays an increasingly important role in our lives. People tend to think of our telecom operator when our services are disrupted or limited and when there are significant outages. Today, any outage can significantly impact the economy and other critical societal functions.

In the following two articles, we will present our GamayunAI solution, which successfully helps to reduce unforeseen outages and expedites their analysis. In the first article, we will touch on how to solve the problem, while the second article will delve deeper into how the system works.

New technologies, new challenges

Information and communication networks have been the technological game changers in recent years. However, such rapid progress and openness to innovation naturally bring their own set of challenges. As digitalization accelerates, the complexity of these systems is increasing, so it is crucial to observe them, understand them, and prevent any potential failures. Digitalization also brings more integration between existing information systems, aiming for better monitoring and understanding of the ecosystem.

In search of solutions

What if there was a way to process and use disparate data to predict potential failures and outages? GamayunAI, our product which is the result of years of experience in developing and maintaining various systems in the fields of telecommunications, insurance, finance, transportation, etc., offers the solution. GamayunAI has already been successfully implemented and adapted to operate in our largest telecommunications company and is part of their daily operations, thus significantly reducing and, in certain cases, even eliminating unforeseen outages.

GamayunAI: Simplifying complex systems

Microservices are gaining ground in the field of software architecture, allowing us to be more flexible and develop faster while on the other hand increasing (by several times) the number of components in the IT ecosystem. The operation of an individual system is increasingly dependent on the operation of other systems, and the interdependencies are becoming multi-level. In layman's terms, things are getting more complicated, and the technical term for this is the so-called "spaghetti" architecture. This is a type of architecture that is so complex and intertwined that it becomes unmanageable. We end up in a situation where we no longer know how problems in one application affect other applications, and all traceability is lost. This situation can lead to unforeseen system failures and lengthy root-cause analyses.

The GamayunAI platform solves all this by extracting, transforming, storing, and displaying data (or events) to provide insights into the functioning of the information system.

The Potential and Future of GamayunAI

GamayunAI and its machine learning features can help predict failures and improve overall efficiency also in other areas, such as energy infrastructure. In energy infrastructure, our proposed solution can optimize the distribution network and reduce the risk of unexpected outages. This increases the efficiency of the network, resulting in a reliable energy supply to customers and reduced financial losses. The added value of using GamayunAI AI is obvious.

You may be wondering how exactly GamayunAI provides all these benefits, so we will look into how the system works in the following article.

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