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PoC setup and implementation in 3 steps

That’s a great idea, but will it work?

This is one question we get asked a lot and we’re not afraid of it. In the world of software, there are a lot of promises but there is a big difference between a promise and delivery. We deliver.

When big organizations decide on getting ahead with a custom software solution, the stakes are high and our first main focus is to provide a quick proof of concept (PoC), addressing specific data insights use cases. With tangible results from use cases, we are able to scale the future project(s) efficiently and safely.

Is it worth investing in PoC?

Ask any manager, investor or stakeholder and they will all want some kind of proof before they decide if the product is financially profitable and worth investing in. They need to validate the software idea to prove that (for example, Gamayun) can work in real life and deliver promised results. That’s exactly why PoC has an integral role when creating a new solution.

PoC helps your team to identify potential infrastructure and/or functional issues that may arise in later stages, saving you time and resources. For example, your project manager can recognize the bumps in processes, while your software development team can look for solutions to technical errors. This process increases the chances of building a useful solution people will genuinely like to use.

It’s also worth mentioning that PoC is not a replacement for new market research, marketing strategy, etc. In fact, it is used to improve existing solutions and add new features or third-party software to your process.

Now let’s look at the whole process.

  1. First, the blueprint

PoC is active for a total of 4 months. We begin by making a blueprint of the project in the first month. We look at the existing IT architecture, all the data that’s being collected and identify the sources (other applications, internet of things, etc.). It is also necessary for us to define the mechanism of data collection and define machine learning tools so that we can set up the key performance indicators (KPIs) and the next steps, which will lead us to a successful PoC.

  1. Setup of the environment

Next in the process is the setup of the environment—on premises or SaaS— where we focus on data analysis and machine learning to prepare data for the validation phase. First, we collect and combine all the data available, then we create a machine learning algorithm to process the data in order to make it useful for the last phase of validation.

  1. Validation phase

This is the part when we see the results and compare them to our KPIs. Our goal is to show you how the implementation of a custom solution, like Gamayun, will help your processes in the future and we do this through data visualization and KPI validation. After a successfully executed PoC, you’ll be equipped with the mechanisms and methodology you need in order to decide which challenges should be addressed and which use cases should be implemented within your organization.

Proof of concept is a crucial part of the software implementation process that just cannot be skipped in order to secure the data in the long run and prepare the system for scalability. Medius has done this many times before and we know how to work together with clients to develop a successful PoC.

Let us help you take your business to the next stage with a custom solution tailored to your business needs. All it takes to get started is a quick proof of concept.

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