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Gamayun AI and Digital Fingerprint [VIDEO]

Click on the video below to see our latest explainer video, which features examples of Gamayun AI in action:

Video transcript:

What if we tell you your organization already has all the knowledge and assets to maximize its value?

With Gamayun AI you can unlock the next era of your company and achieve more than you could ever imagine. There has been a data revolution and you don't want to miss the opportunity to jump on that train. Let digitalization begin now.

Your customers, employees, business applications, operating systems, machines, and servers interact with each other constantly, which is something all companies have in common.

Let's call this your business ecosystem.

Are you able to extract value from the data your organization is producing?

With Gamayun AI you can easily capture data from different sources in real time, store it in a centralized data lake, and join the collected data together.

By using advanced ML methods Gamayun AI detects seemingly unrelated events into connected business processes to provide complete ecosystem observability, detects anomalies and predicts future events and problems before they even happen.

What else is Gamayun AI good for?

  •    Maintain your company's app infrastructure health and act before failure occurs.
  •    You'll save a lot of department operation time due to failure prevention;
  •    Lower department application troubleshooting times drastically.
  •    Discover dependencies and interconnections between enterprise business applications with one click.

Let's look at some examples.

Gamayun ensures better control, greater reliability, and lower operating costs throughout the production line by introducing the digital fingerprint, a hugely successful feature that increases quality, safety, and efficiency. In addition, the digital fingerprint builds the company's resistance to the challenges of the future.

With the help of AI, Gamayun collects and analyzes the data in real-time, enabling easier decision-making, improved quality management and substantially reduced customer complaints.

The user gets correct and accurate suggestions at precisely the right time. Additionally, customer segmentation is no longer just ordinary profiling. With AI, we can predict the user's behavior and, for example, advise them on their optimal choice of transport. Consider offering the customer actionable insights (or suggestions) when and where they need them. With weather conditions, sustainability, and time in mind, of course.

It's high time you reach data intelligence maturity to harness innovation and create a notable, competitive edge don't you agree?

Learn more about Gamayun AI

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