Copyright © 2024 Medius Inc.All rights reserved.
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Innovative technology partner with cross-industry experience.

Crafting your innovative ideas into robust business realities, Medius is your preferred technology partner, excelling in executing complex use-cases through expertise in DevOps, Big Data, and AI.

Our skilled team thrives in delivering custom, business-critical solutions, adeptly transforming challenges into streamlined, effective outcomes. Partnering with Medius means choosing a team that passionately embraces complex problems to deliver great results.

Adopting best practices that go beyond.

Companies need to achieve data-driven future-proof solutions to achieve more and stay competitive. Medius creates and builds business-critical software solutions from scratch and improves the up-and-running systems to smoothly embed them into the client's IT landscape.

Adding enhanced security and faster adoption within the organization. Having software that can do exactly the way you want it to do makes your business process safe, robust, and easy to manage and use. In the long run, it brings you to cost-effectiveness.

Taking care of the design, development, integration (front-end, back-end), and data operation.

Reusing components and microservices for easy maintenance and future upgrades.

Taking care of the user experience (UX) and interface (UI).

Integrating with disruptive technologies: AI, IoT, BigData, AR, Cloud…

We built tools for real-time data streaming and visualizing business-critical information for better decision-making

Excelling at CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery/continuous deployment)

Engineering to let your AI technology shine.

Success in AI means integrating algorithms with a deep knowledge of the overall system. As your trusted partner, we bring our engineering experience to a myriad of technologies (using ML, NLP) and data platforms that solve your challenges in various use cases.

From why you need data for machine learning to how to start collecting data and how to work with existing data - Medius can help and support your business challenges to bring business value. Whether you run a startup or you’re part of a large enterprise, we can help you leverage the power of AI & ML to benefit your business. Our projects helped many companies optimize their operations and streamline the end-customer experience using machine learning.

You can select the business use cases that can deliver measurable value through AI capabilities.

Most common data science and ML&AI use cases:

Fraud detection and prediction

Knowledge mining

Word and document classification

Customer segmentation and profiling

Cross-sell / Up-sell propensity

Sentiment analytics

Predictive maintenance

Natural language processing

Text tagging & parsing

Other use cases include: Pseudonymization & anonymization, Behavior analysis, What-if analysis, Social networks analytics, ...

How to understand your data better.

Data collection, storage and processing - Generate a value chain on your data thanks to Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Data are new gold - but only when you understand it and have appropriate tools to bring value out of data to boost companies' business processes, operational excellence, and profitability. Big Data is in Medius DNA. We understand the risks and challenges big data projects bring. Within the project, we can prepare and execute specialized business requests at any time with the best customer-centric approach and ROI.

With our unique approach, we also provide consulting to clients looking for suitable technology and methodology for their business needs. Covering custom Data Platforms, Platform modernization, Data consulting for Data lakes and Data Warehouse.

Digital Twin enriched with meaningful insights.

Medius offers end-to-end IoT & IIoT solutions. Challenges are data-driven and the first step is the data-oriented question - how will you collect all crunch all the data? Here Medius has a risk-free solution backed up with many projects.

We can help you in the areas of operations monitoring, gathering Big Data, operations optimization, ensuring security, and increasing efficiency.

Real power of implementing IoT data analytics can be seen in the following use cases

Predictive Maintenance

Process Automation

Quality Assessment

Inventory (asset) Management

Plug & Play monitoring

Anomaly detection

Our team is passionate about utilizing our technical capabilities, experience, and product mindset to help you effectively extract real business value by implementing blockchain and DLT across your organization.

Backed by years of experience with designing, building, and scaling various SaaS solutions and a capable team of developers, QA and DevOps engineers (i.e. Kubernetes certified), we provide you with the expertise required to design and run any SaaS solution.

Solving challenges related to Kubernetes.

With extensive knowledge in Big Data and Kubernetes, MEDIUS, a provider of Certified Kubernetes Services, empowers numerous clients across diverse industries by offering outstanding managed services.

Deploying Kubernetes everywhere

Whether on-premise or in a hybrid infrastructure, the migration process minimizes downtime, ensuring minimal disruption to business operations.

Customized solutions

Enhanced workflow optimization and greater efficiency result in heightened productivity.

Comprehensive services

By streamlining Kubernetes deployment and maintenance, businesses can allocate fewer resources and less time to these tasks, enabling them to concentrate on their core operations.

Robust security

Mitigated security risks and adherence to compliance standards to safeguard sensitive data and preserve business reputation.

What we deliver

We use model and test driven development, orchestration and Dockers, big data and machine learning where it is applicable. To lower customer's risk we offer turn-key solution at a fixed price. Uniquely we offer the same team across different industries insuring that the references you see are from the team you get. We made this possible through strict standardization of development methodology across the projects and developers.

Kubernetes optimization and hardening

Automated provisioning of Kubernetes clusters for maximum efficiency

Solutions optimized for workload efficiency and cost effectiveness

GPU integration into Kubernetes environment for ML workload

Reliable and production-ready Kubernetes clusters to keep your business running smoothly

Setting up a georedundant cluster

Kubernetes Onboarding

Setup Kubernetes infrastructure - on-premise, cloud-based or hybrid

Migration of containerized applications to Kubernetes

One-click installation in Kubernetes

Supporting other open-source components in Kubernetes

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Copyright © 2024 Medius Inc.All rights reserved.